Meeting God In Our Busy Lives: The Theology and Practice of Zimzum (Pre-project Survey)

Through the seasons of Lent and Eastertide, we will explore the concept of zimzum and what it might mean for us as the image bearers of God. We’ll explore the theology of Creation, the concept of Sabbath, and how to engage with the contemplative practice of telos—of practicing paradise. The goal will be to embrace zimzum in our own lives, opening up space for connections. Don’t worry if you have no idea what these things mean! We’ll explore them together in the days ahead.

The Rev. Phil LaBelle
Demographic Information

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Checking In Before We Begin

The following items will help me understand where we are beginning and what things would be helpful to explore in the class. Results will be used in a final project for my Doctor of Ministry coursework.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.


Through the seasons of Lent and Eastertide, we will explore the concept of zimzum and what it might mean for us as the image bearers of God. We’ll explore the theology of Creation, the concept of Sabbath, and how to engage with the contemplative practice of telos—of practicing paradise. The goal will be to embrace zimzum in our own lives, opening up space for connections. Don’t worry if you have no idea what these things mean! We’ll explore them together in the days ahead.

The Rev. Phil LaBelle